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This project involves the fabrication of van der Waals heterostructures and performing magnetic imaging measurements utilizing state-of-the-art Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy and/or Magnetic Force Microscopy systems at temperatures below 50 K. [more]
This project deals with the ionitronic manipulation of material properties to explore new physics and  functional devices based on ionitronics which can lead to novel applications. [more]
This project deals with atomically engineered materials that possess exotic physical properties and underpin the fields of spintronics, oxide electronics, cognitive devices and routes to room temperature superconductors. [more]
Dive into the cutting-edge intersection of superconductivity, magnetism, and topology as we explore novel Cooper pairing mechanisms and push the boundaries of quantum physics with state-of-the-art technology. [more]
We explore novel physics and spin-dependent phenomena from atomically engineered spintronic materials and state-of-the-art devices. [more]
This project deals with exploring the physics behind voltage-controlled superconductivity in metallic  and high-Tc superconductors (with various dielectric materials for the gate effect) via highly sophisticated electrical transport measurements and devices. [more]
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