
Within the framework of the IMPRS, PhD students from both Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the Max-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics (MPI) have successfully completed their doctoral studies.

Congratulations to


Dr. rer. nat.  Robin Neumann

Dr. rer. nat. Robin Neumann

MLU (Prof. Ingrid Mertig)
Robin defended his thesis successfully in October 2024.
Title: "Theoretical Prediction for Probing Magnon Topology"
Dr. re. nat. Jingrong Ji

Dr. re. nat. Jingrong Ji

MPI (NISE department)
Jingrong defended her thesis successfully in July 2024.
Title: "Molecular beam epitaxial growth and scanning tunneling microscopy characterization and manipulation of monolayers and heterostructures of two-dimensional ferroelectrics"
Dr. rer. nat. Ke Gu

Dr. rer. nat. Ke Gu

MPI (NISE department)
Ke defended his thesis successfully in July 2024.
Title: "Investigation of novel freestanding heterostructures"
Dr. rer. nat. Pranava Keerthi  Sivakumar

Dr. rer. nat. Pranava Keerthi Sivakumar

MPI (NISE department)
Pranava defended his thesis successfully in May 2024.
Title: "Physics of Josephson diodes formed from 1T-transition metal dichalcogenides"
Dr. rer. nat. Berthold  Rimmler

Dr. rer. nat. Berthold Rimmler

MPI (NISE department)
Berthold defended his thesis successfully in January 2024.
Title: “Non-collinear magnetism, hidden symmetry lowering and magneto-transport effects in antiperovskite nitrides”


Dr. rer. nat. Björn Niedzielski

Dr. rer. nat. Björn Niedzielski

MLU (Prof. Jamal Berakdar)
Björn defended his thesis successfully in November 2023.
Title: "Vortex states in superconducing/ferromagnetic hybrid systems"
Dr.-Ing. André Farinha

Dr.-Ing. André Farinha

MPI (NISE department)
André defended his thesis successfully in June 2023.
Title: “Emergent Magnetic Effects in Spintronic Devices with 3D Chiral Geometries”
Dr. rer. nat. Mohamed Amine Wahada

Dr. rer. nat. Mohamed Amine Wahada

MPI (NISE department)
Amine defended his thesis successfully in June 2023.
Title: "Ultrafast spin transport through oxide and nitride barriers measured by inverse Spin Hall effect"


Dr. rer. nat. Peng Wang

Dr. rer. nat. Peng Wang

MPI (NISE department)
Peng defended his thesis successfully in November 2022.
Title: "Novel spin Hall effect materials and artificially engineered magnetic thin film heterostructures for energy-efficient spintronic memories"


Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Schäffer

Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Schäffer

MLU (Prof. Jamal Berakdar)
Alexander defended his thesis successfully in December 2021.
Title: “Control of topologically non-trivial spin excitations”
Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Demasius

Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Demasius

MPI (NISE department)
Kai-Uwe defended his thesis successfully in October 2021.
Title: “Highly Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing Based on Memcapacitive Devices”
Dr. rer. nat. Jue Huang

Dr. rer. nat. Jue Huang

MPI (NISE department)
Jue defended her thesis successfully in June 2021.
Title: “Epitaxial growth and charge-to-spin conversion studies of Bi2Te3 topological insulator”
Dr. rer. nat. Tianping Ma

Dr. rer. nat. Tianping Ma

MPI (NISE department)
Tianping defended his thesis successfully in March 2021.
Title: “Magnetic antiskyrmions in tetragonal Heusler materials with D-2d structure”
Dr. rer. nat. Abhay Kant  Srivastava

Dr. rer. nat. Abhay Kant Srivastava

MPI (NISE department)
Abhay Kant defended his thesis successfully in January 2021.
Title: “Investigations of Anti-Skyrmions and Néel Skyrmions using Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy”


Dr. rer. nat. Shuo-Ying Yang

Dr. rer. nat. Shuo-Ying Yang

MPI (NISE department)
Shuoying defended her thesis successfully in October 2020.
Title: “In search of extraordinary Hall effects in topological semimetals”
Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hauser

Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hauser

MLU (Prof. Georg Schmidt)
Christoph defended his thesis successfully in June 2020.
Title: “Ferromagnetische Resonanz und Spinpumpen in Oxiden”
Dr. rer. nat. Börge Göbel

Dr. rer. nat. Börge Göbel

MLU (Prof. Ingrid Mertig)
Börge defended his thesis successfully in January 2020.
Title: “Emergent electrodynamics in non-collinear spin textures”


Dr. rer. nat. Robin Bläsing

Dr. rer. nat. Robin Bläsing

MPI (NISE department)
Robin defended his thesis successfully in December 2019.
Title: “Highly Efficient Domain Wall Motion in Ferrimagnetic Bi-layer Systems at the Angular Momentum Compensation Temperature”
Dr. rer. nat. Annika Johansson

Dr. rer. nat. Annika Johansson

MLU (Prof. Ingrid Mertig)
Annika defended her thesis successfully in April 2019.
Title: “Spin-orbit driven transport: Edelstein effect and chiral anomaly”
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