IMPRS-STNS teambuilding event
- Start: Nov 27, 2022
- End: Nov 30, 2022
- Speakers: Dr. Claudia Benassi and Ronald Kallan
- Location: Schloss Ringberg
- Contact:

Dear participants of our joint team workshop on November 28 and 29, 2022. We are glad that you will be attending. Here again the most important things at a glance:
Venue: Ringberg Castle
Dates: We’ll be starting on Sunday, November 27 at 18:30 with a joint dinner to get to know each
other better and to get in the mood for the workshop.
Workshop times: Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 to 17:00.
Our main topics will probably be (subject to your feedback and further discussions):
- Getting to know each other better
- Working together today
- Communication & Empathy
- Strengthening cross-cultural understanding
- What do we stand for? What do we want to stand for?
- Advantages of collaboration
- What are the requirements for us as a team?
- What goals do we set for ourselves?
Goals of our workshop:
- We see ourselves as a team and recognize the benefits of collaboration,
- We use cultural diversity as an opportunity,
- We reduce conflicts in our cooperation,
- We work together (even) better and more productively.
Pre-interview: With registration you will get some questions to prepare the workshop for our needs.
It will only take a few minutes to answer them. Please answer the questions directly and spontaneously in the document and send it back to our two lead facilitators:
Dr. Claudia Benassi and Ronald Kallan
Important: please respond by email to the facilitators by Friday, November 18, 2022.
Your responses will be treated confidentially and anonymously by the facilitator team for optimal
We are looking forward to the workshop together!