IMPRS - Retreat 2023
The IMPRS-STNS students met for their annual retreat in October 2023. The program was a well-balanced mix of invited talks, discussions at posters, a workshop and social program.

The IMPRS held its annual PhD retreat in the Leucorea from October 25 to 28, 2023. Organized by a dedicated team of students, the retreat offered a rich and diverse program. The attendees had the opportunity to engage in insightful talks delivered by the Principal Investigators (PIs). These talks served as a platform for the PIs to share their knowledge and experiences, providing valuable insights for the PhD students. The retreat also included poster sessions where the doctoral students presented their research.
In addition to the academic activities, the retreat included a guided tour of the historic city of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and a workshop on Cultivating Resilience and a Growth Mindset as a Physics PhD. The IMPRS annual retreat continues to be a vital platform for PhD students to share their research, learn from experienced PIs, and build a sense of community.